As you are probably well aware, the guidance and the law for trading seems to change on a daily basis! When we visit our clients we are fully compliant with these rules and regulations when entering your establishment, whether open for trade or not, as you and your customers safety is extremely important to us. Any other site specific rules you have will also be followed by our stocktakers without question.
If you haven’t seen it already, the most recent government advice can be found here.
You can access the information on grants here.
The guidance is there to help you have an understanding of how to work safely to keep both staff and customers safe and to make sure social distancing can be complied with. Its still advised at 2m but if there is risk mitigation this can be reduced to 1m where 2m may not be viable such as inside your pub, bar, hotel or restaurant.
Once the government release a reopening date, we as stocktakers can also help you prepare for reopening. Some hospitality outlets haven’t considered the benefits of stocktaking yet (see here) and perhaps think that this may be the ideal time to start. If you’re an existing client we can complete the closure of your last period or just provide a fresh opening count and stock valuation ready for reopening, whichever you’re preference get in touch with us today.
We all look forward to a safe and successful reopening and trading in our wonderful industry.